Leif is the newest NPC in town and he will appear today (23rd of April) in conjunction with the Nature Day event.
You will find him setting up a booth at the plaza, in front of the Resident Services building.
Here are some of the things you can do with Leif and other Nature Day events in Animal Crossing New Horizons (ACNH).
Buy rare flower seeds and shrubs
The main items that Leif offer are shrubs and some rare flower seeds.
They may be flower seeds you have not obtained on your island.
As you can see in the image below, Leif sells a number of flower seeds.
I managed to buy different types of Cosmos seeds and Mums seeds. You can buy in bulks of five.
The main attraction is still probably the shrubs. You’ll buy saplings and it takes time for them to grow.
On the first day, Leif sold two types of Azalea and two types of Hibiscus shrubs.
Sell weeds to Leif
Apart from just buying flowers or shrubs, you can sell weeds at a higher price of 20 Bells per clump of weeds to Leif.
Nook Miles+ feature
During Nature Day, you will also be able to earn extra Nook Miles from doing jobs involving plants.
You can find it at the Nook Miles+ section.
Apart from that, you can also earn some Miles for planting shrubs but these are one-off things.
Get the hedge DIY recipe
Also, you should talk to Tom Nook and he’ll give you a DIY recipe to make hedges.
For each group of hedges, you will need 10 clumps of weeds, 5 tree branches and 2 stones.
Video walkthrough
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