One of the coolest features in the latest Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the introduction of a museum.
This museum can store bugs, fossils and fishes that you have caught in their respective exhibits.
Here’s how you can build the museum in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Give bugs / fishes to Nook
Before you can build the museum, you need to get Blathers to the island.
To get Blathers to the island, you need to first submit bugs / fishes to Nook. You have to give him five different bugs / fishes / combination of both. The total is five regardless.
Set up Blathers’ tent
Once you’ve given five of them to Nook, he’ll give you a tent for Blathers.
Help to set up the tent at the location of your choice.
Do note that the tent location will also be the museum’s location in the future.
Give 15 bugs / fishes / fossils to Blathers
Once Blathers is here, he will request 15 specimens before he can get a museum built.
The 15 should exclude those you’ve already given to Nook earlier.
You can even give him fossils. Blathers will also give you the DIY recipe for a shovel and a vaulting pole.
With the shovel, you can dig up fossils and with the pole, you can explore parts of the island blocked by the river.
Wait for the museum to be built
After submitting the 15 different specimens, the museum should be built in 1 or 2 days.
Once it’s ready, you can start checking it out. The museum’s location will be Blathers’ tent’s location.
Exploring the museum
The museum is pretty huge but it will be empty at first.
You need to continue giving Blathers different types of bugs, fossils and fishes to be displayed in the museum.
It’ll be a working progress.
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