DC Titans is a popular superhero series currently showing on Netflix and they released season 2 not too long ago.
Like most Netflix shows, the entire season is shown once released and there are 13 episodes in total.
Here’s an ending recap for season 2 of DC Titans and will there be a season 3?
Episode 13 / ending recap of season 2 of DC Titans
Episode 13 started with Cadmus Industries as they begin their next phase.
Mercy Graves start to get prospective buyers for Conner, after they’ve managed to control him. One demonstration they showed was how Conner could fire a gun and then be quick enough to stop the bullet.
In the next scene, Gar is seen among the crowd in the funfair with his ice cream as Cadmus launches their next plan.
They started playing the same classical music to transform him into a tiger and cause chaos at the fun fair.
Meeting at Titans Tower
You’ll then see a meeting between Kory, Dawn, Donna (Wonder Girl) and Rachel.
They then plan to rescue Gar and Conner from Cadmus but later heard a news about a wild animal causing havoc.
Deathstroke arrives
As the four of them were driving towards the area, Deathstroke appears and starts shooting at them.
Kory tries to block his bullets but she fails to use her powers and was hit.
Nightwing debut
To save the day, Dick Grayson appears with his new black and blue suit and he is now known as Nightwing instead of Robin.
Nightwing then battles with Deathstroke and is then joined by Rose Wilson, who appears as Ravager.
Ravager teams up with Nightwing to defeat Deathstroke and she landed the final blow with her sword.
Before Deathstroke dies, Jericho manages to use his powers and transfers himself to Rose.
Rose Wilson now shares a body with Jericho, her half-brother.
Conner stops Gar
In the next scene, Cadmus uses Conner to showcase his abilities by stopping Gar who has transformed into a tiger.
While doing so, the bids for Conner as a weapon kept increasing.
The Titans appear to stop Conner
Kory, Donna and Dawn then appears to try to stop Conner. Hank also appears but they’re all overpowered.
In the meantime, Rachel uses her powers to get into Gar’s head and brought him back to their side.
Rachel and Donna then pairs up to tie Conner and restrain him from moving.
Dick Grayson then uses Rachel’s ability to get into Conner’s head. He managed to help Conner find the light and get control of his own body.
Conner proceeds to get rid of the Cadmus officers nearby.
Donna dies
Not long after, the tall structure collapses and Dawn evacuates the people around the area.
Before the structure hits Dawn, Donna manages to hold the structure but gets electrocuted to death.
Sending her body back to Themyscira
The Titans then had a proper send off for Donna as they handed her body to the Amazonian warriors to be brought back to Themyscira.
Rachel decides to follow them back to Themyscira as she believes she can try to bring Donna back from the dead.
Her powers have changed throughout the season and we don’t know what she’s capable of next. She was also capable of healing Kory’s arm.
Mourning and reunion of The Titans
Most of the episode after this was a mourning period for Donna Troy.
Hank and Dawn is no more but Hank suggests that Hawk and Dove should be together again.
After leaving Donna and Rachel, the Titans have a gathering at the tower with Bruce Wayne.
During the conversation, Bruce says that he wasn’t at Elko’s Diner, which raises suspicion about Rachel’s true powers.
Trigon was also capable of creating illusions for people.
Fighting crime again
During the dinner, they get a news report of another crime in the city. They then joined forces to stop it and this scene ended here.
Blackfire comes to earth
The last scene of episode 13 was the appearance of Kory’s sister, Blackfire, on earth. She took over another lady’s body and the season ended here.
Will there be a season 3?
Season 3 has apparently been confirmed by DC and they will be showing it sometime in Fall 2020, meaning from late September onwards.
What to expect in season 3
In season 3, we expect the first villain to be Blackfire but she may not be the biggest villain. In comparison, Trigon only appeared for a short time in season 2 before Rachel got rid of him, and the main villain was Deathstroke all along.
Season 3 will possibly explore Rachel’s powers (like creating illusions and resurrections) even further and she may be able to bring Donna Troy back to life if she really has those powers.
Trigon has been shown to possess such revival powers but it was for a sickness that he himself inflicted. Rachel’s powers may be much stronger than Trigon’s and she may be capable of doing just that. Furthermore, her powers managed to bring a gargoyle statue to life.
We may also see more conflict between the Titans themselves as we have seen throughout the show. From season 3 onward, Conner (Super Boy) and Rose (Ravager) may be part of the team. It’ll be interesting to see if Jason Todd rejoins the team later.
As for Hawk and Dawn, they may get back together after doing some crime fighting.
Here’s to hoping that season 3 of DC Titans is even better.
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