Somerville is a sci-fi story game where you play a young man as he intends to look for his family in a post-apocalyptic world.
Here’s a walkthrough and guide for chapters 2 & 3 for Somerville.
Chapter 2 walkthrough and guide
Chapter 2 of Somerville begins as the man is lying on the ground after touching the alien.
To revive him, hold LT or L2 three times as you see his right hand glows.
After getting up, go to the left side and you’ll hear a sound.
Now, head to the right side and hold the plank. Move the plank away.
You will see a light bulb. Use your special ability (LT or L2) and hold it to turn the light blue. Wait for it to destroy the alien substance.
Go upstairs and push open the wood blocking the path.
Use the light bulb and the ability to open a path to the left.
In the next room, do the same thing to destroy the alien thingy.
Then, hold and push down the cabinet. Use it to climb out of the house.
You will now be outside. Head to the wooden gate to leave.
Continue to the left. Use your ability on the circuit breaker to turn the light blue and clear the path.
Continue ahead and you’ll see an alien cube that follows you around. Open the gate and move to the left.
The alien cube can melt down the alien substances.
Use your ability again to turn all the lights to the north blue, but I’m not sure what it’s for. You still need to go to the left side.
Climb over the wooden fence.
Keep going to the left.
You will reach a train track. Continue to the left.
Chapter 3 walkthrough and guide
This is now chapter 3 of Somerville. You will be in the woods.
Make your way to the left.
At the next checkpoint, you will need to run from the pink alien light.
Just keep running.
Eventually, you’ll need to hide inside the tent. The tent is just before the wooden fence. Once the light is gone, you can cross the fence.
You will then reach a plane. Here, you need to use the ability on the circuit breaker to turn the light blue. However, doing so will make the alien pillar crush you.
To prevent that, hold the pole and pull it so that the light aims upwards and use your ability to destroy the upper part first. Then, push it back down and destroy the lower portion of the pillar.
You can go through the plane.
In the next area, jump into the pool of alien matter. Climb up near the fallen tree.
Use the tree to cross over.
You will reach a point where you can go north through the tree bark.
You will see a group of alien cubes but there’s nothing much to do here.
Get back out and head left.
You will reach the docks. Enter the water and then climb on the dock.
Pull the pole that is connected to the boat.
Then, jump into the water and immediately hide behind the boat.
Hold the boat at its ropes and drag it across the river to prevent getting killed by the pink light.
In the next area, the objective is to clear the alien substance blocking your path.
To do so, go to the well and pull the lever so that the bucket comes up.
Grab the bucket and pull it to the alien matter in the water.
Drop the bucket and go back to the well.
You will need to pull the lever so that the bucket goes back to you and the bucket should spill some alien matter along the way. If the bucket loses all the alien matter before it reaches near you, then the alien cubes won’t come near you.
Keep trying until they get near you so that their light will destroy the alien substance blocking the cave.
Enter the cave and open the door.
Continue to ahead outside. Go to the top of the hill.
You will then get a better view of the world.
Head to the left side and make your way to the highway where you see a graveyard of vehicles. The chapter ends here.
Related articles:
Somerville: Introduction And Chapter 1 Walkthrough