At the end of chapter 4, the protagonist fell down together with the strange man in Somerville.
You will now need to explore the underground area.
Here’s a walkthrough and guide of chapters 5 and 6 in Somerville.
Chapter 5 walkthrough
Chapter 5 begins in the underground area of Somerville. Proceed downwards.
Go all the way down and follow the alien water down.
You will eventually meet the strange man who saved you from the fall but he’s a goner. Touch his hand and he’ll explode.
Go towards the back and walk to the right side.
Open the chest and take the new device. This will be your second ability and the control is RT on XBox or R2 on Playstation.
You will also get a torch for this area.
Now, head back to the left side. Use RT / R2 by holding and releasing it. It will cause the water to become solid. This only works on the alien substance.
Climb up the now solid water.
On the way up, use RT again to solidify the water on the left side. Go that way.
You will eventually reach a cliff. Jump down to the water below and be prepared to use LT / L2.
You need to melt all of the solid pieces and dive down before you run out of breath.
Make your way to the left and surface before you die.
After getting enough air, dive down below and go to the left again. Use LT when needed.
Swim to the left and use LT to melt the alien substances. Climb up from the middle and continue to melt away the substances as you find a new pathway.
Make your way to the left train tracks.
In the next area, climb up the ladder.
Before you can go up, you will see an alien robot. Go down one ladder and walk towards the left.
You will eventually reach some wooden planks that can be pulled off. Enter the new path.
Continue inside and climb up the ladder.
You should then reach an area with a mine cart. Pull the mine cart out and push it towards the ledge.
Push it down and it will break the wooden platform below, revealing water. Jump down into the water.
Swim as fast as possible to the left until you can surface.
In the next area, turn the wheel so that the platform goes to the liquid alien thingy.
Then, while holding the wheel, use RT to freeze the liquid.
Pull up the platform which now has the alien matter with it. You can then cross over to the other side.
In the next part, pull the mine cart away and enter the tunnel.
Open the crate and pick up the torch. Now, use LT / L2 to melt the alien substances. They will cause the water level to rise and you just need to let it push you all the way up.
At one point, you will see some rocks above you. Melt them enough so that they will fall but you need to quickly dive into the water to avoid them as they fall.
Continue all the way up.
Now, head to the left and use RT to freeze the small layer of liquid substance. You should be able to climb on the frozen part to the upper level.
Head towards the left.
You will then see a switch and a wheel that is connected to a heavy object. Turn on the switch first.
Then, go to the right side to grab the mine cart. Pull it all the way to the dripping alien water substance so that the mine cart is filled.
Bring the mine cart to the wheel. Turn the wheel so that the heavy object connected to the cable enters the mine cart, but don’t turn too much or it pulls out again.
Now, go to the switch and use RT / R2 to freeze the heavy object inside the cart.
Push the cart to the right side and the door will open.
Go through the door and climb up the ladder to the next area.
Somerville – Chapter 6 walkthrough
You will now reach chapter 6 of the game.
Go to the switch and turn on so that the lights are on.
Push the red button to open the shutter.
Pull out the mine cart to the circle. Push the lever so that the cart changes direction.
Now, push the cart to the door on the left. Go up the stairs and use the cart as a platform to climb outside.
In the next area, push the button to open the shutter and get the cart.
Turn the lever so that the tracks are aligned. Now, push the cart down.
It should break open the gate.
You will then reach a second gate. Pull the cart up and push down again.
Turn the lever to change direction for the cart.
Push the cart all the way and you’ll see an alien robot with the red light. Go to the side of the cart and pull it to avoid detection.
Use the ladder to go down.
Remember to pull the cart to you.
Continue to push the cart down so that it breaks the gate.
In the next area, you have to avoid detection again. Run towards each obstacle while the light is not towards you.
You will then reach a switch. Use RT / R2 on the switch to freeze the robot.
Get past the robot and go to the elevator. Use the button to call the elevator and wait for it.
Once it’s here, open the door, enter and activate it.
You will now reach a small chase sequence. Go towards the left and run up.
You will need to pull open the van door to go through it.
Finally, you’ll escape the area and will be pushed by the water current all the way to the end. The chapter ends here.
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