Ghost of our Love is a side quest available in Hogwarts Legacy.
Your objective is to use the map with floating candles to find the treasure.
Here’s a walkthrough and guide (location) of Ghost of our Love in Hogwarts Legacy.
To get this quest, you need to first do Scrope’s Last Hope. During that quest, you’ll be able to get a treasure map.
Location of the treasure map
The map is the one shown below. You’re given the clue of the Forbidden Forest.
First of all, fast travel to the Floo Flames at the Forbidden Forest. You’ll see an arch in front of you.
Instead of going through it, go backwards.
Get to this location shown in the image below (Forbidden Forest arch in front of you). You should see a small signage in front as well.
This only works at night. Use Lumos and you should see three floating candles.
Follow the floating candles
Now, you just need to follow the floating candles into the Forbidden Forest.
The candles will lead you to a table with two chairs. A chest will appear for you to collect.
The quest ends here.
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