Onward is a main story quest available in Final Fantasy XVI.
Your objective is to get to the Crystalline Dominion via Boklad.
Here’s a walkthrough and guide of Onward in FFXVI.
Make for Boklad
The first objective is to get to Boklad. The exact location is marked in the map below.
Go all the way and you’ll eventually reach the huge waterfall area.
In the meantime, we see a cutscene of Dion confronting his father over the decision of making Olivier the emperor.
Continue going to Boklad.
You’ll then reach a town which is the checkpoint towards the Crystalline Dominion.
Find Goetz
Look for Goetz in the market area.
Find Eloise
As Goetz lost his trader’s pass, you have to find a contact named Eloise. Head to the building with the red Chocobo sign.
Talk to Eloise.
You’ll receive the Crimson Collar seal.
To Catch a Thief sub-quest
In the meantime, you’ll start a new sub-quest titled To Catch a Thief.
Speak with the furniture maker first.
Then, talk to the fishmonger nearby to get leads.
Next, talk to the children in the area.
The one you really need to talk to is the Anxious Girl in the market.
Then, look for a boy named Honza. His location is marked in the map below in the red circle.
Talk to Honza who is under the tree.
Next, chase down Honza.
During the cutscene, you’ll be introduced to Theodore; Eloise’s brother.
The sub-quest ends here.
Speak with Theodore
Talk to Theodore to start the next sub-quest.
Blood from the Stones sub-quest
The next sub-quest is Blood from the Stones.
Look for the Cast Stones’ lair as marked in the map.
Slay all of the Cast Stones’ bandits.
Continue ahead to meet the next group of enemies.
Proceed further up the hill to find the leaders of the Cast Stones.
Slay them all.
Return to Eloise to report what had happened.
You’ll then get the Crimson Compass seal from Theodore.
Both of their seals then merge into one.
The sub-quest ends here. You’ll get the Trader’s Pass and The Breath of Lightning (Thunderstorm) accessory, among others.
Speak with Goetz
Next, talk to Goetz who is waiting in the market.
You’ll then see a cutscene of Joshua’s conversation with Dion.
Enter the Crystalline Dominion
Finally, head into the Crystalline Dominion via the world map.
The quest ends when you reach the area.
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