Dugbog Tongue is an ingredient that is used to brew potions in Hogwarts Legacy.
It’s the main ingredient in the making of Focus Potion.
Here’s where you can find Dugbog Tongue (location) in Hogwarts Legacy.
Potions shop
The most obvious way to get Dugbog Tongue is by buying it from J. Pippin’s Potions shop in Hogsmeade.
It costs 100 coins each.
Where to find Dugbog
You’ll probably find Dugbog all over the map but one of the locations I found them is at South Feldcroft.
It’s all the way at the southwest portion of the world map, at the beach area. Perhaps they can be found in many coastal areas.
All you need to do is to defeat the Dugbogs.
Once they’re dead, loot the Dugbog Tongue from around their dead bodies.
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