The Blind Blacksmith is a support quest for the quest A Town In Need, Indeed.
Your task is to meet the blacksmith and help him in forging some weapons.
Here’s a walkthrough of The Blind Blacksmith in AC Odyssey.
This quest is recommended for those level 58 and above but it differs according to your own level.
Talk to Kallipides, the blacksmith
Your first objective is to find the blacksmith. His exact location is shown in the map below, marked as the quest symbol.
You will see him here, near the shore.
Talk to him.
You will learn that he is blind because of the fake Eagle Bearer. He then needs your help to forge the weapons.
Carry the blocks to the step
First thing to do is to carry the blocks to the step near him.
There are three blocks in total. Just drop them near the blacksmith.
Report to Kallipides
After putting all 3 blocks, talk to the blacksmith again. He’ll then need your help to find his tools.
Acquire his smithing tools
Apparently the tools have been taken by some pirates.
The exact location of the pirates is shown in the map below. They are at the Pyrrha Salt Pirates camp.
Inside, you’ll see a couple of guards, a captain and a polemarch.
Kill all of them.
Loot the smithing tools from one of the dead bodies.
Deliver the tools to the blacksmith
After retrieving the tools, go back to the blacksmith.
Deliver the tools to him. Unfortunately, during the cutscene, he trips on the block and falls down. Some tools then fall on him, causing him to die.
The quest completes here.
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