A Rage Unleashed is a mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 that starts by talking to Reverend Swanson.
Your role is to follow Dutch and the Red Indians to take back horses belonging to the latter.
Here’s a walkthrough of A Rage Unleashed in RDR 2.
To start the mission, talk to Reverend back in camp at Annesburg.
During the cutscene, Charles will bring Eagle Flies to camp and request for help. Dutch will then take the lead and ask you guys to help the Indians.
Follow Eagle Flies
Mount your horse and follow the gang.
They will lead you to the shore.
The gang will then wait here until nightfall before making a move.
Paddle out to the boat
Next, paddle to the boat in the middle of the water.
There’ll be some guards onboard together with the horses on it.
Eliminate the guards
Everyone will climb up the boat. You will see a guard looking at the opposite direction. Get rid of him quietly by taking him down.
There’ll be another guard on the side of the boat. Take him down as well.
Next, you’ll see a group of guards together. I’m not sure if you can take them down quietly, but you can just shoot all of them dead.
Plant the dynamite on the anchor’s machinery. The anchor will be released from the bottom and Dutch will pilot the boat.
Due to his bad driving, the boat crashes.
Lead the horses safely
Water will start pouring in and you have to save the horses.
Some of the horses will go astray. You need to mount on any one of the three horses.
The rest will just follow you once you’ve mounted on one.
Go towards the yellow marker shown on the radar.
Your mission is pretty much complete once you’ve reached the dry land.
Sometime during the mission, Charles will ask for your help to talk to the Chief of the Indians (Rains Fall).
I accepted and there’s another mission on it.
And that’s it for the current mission. If you wish to get a perfect score, you need to:
- Knock out 2 soldiers on the boat
- Round up the horses and reach shore within 1 minute 30 seconds
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