No Beginning And No End is a short story mission relating to Deacon and Sarah.
Your task is to go to the Marion Forks church to get closure on Sarah.
Here’s a walkthrough of No Beginning And No End in Days Gone.
Ride to the Marion Forks church
Your first task is to get to Marion Forks, at the location shown in the map below. You can fast travel to the NERO site which is the nearest.
After reaching the marked area, a cutscene will load. Day will turn to night time.
Kill the marauders
After reaching the church, you’ll notice some marauders inside.
Eliminate all of them. There are about 7 of them.
A cutscene then loads after you’ve killed the marauders.
Deacon will have flashbacks about his wedding day.
Clear the squatters
After the flashback, more of these gunmen will come in. One of them is heavily armored.
You need to keep shooting him until his armor breaks, and then kill him.
The other guys are regular gunmen. Eliminate all of them.
A cutscene will load again, continuing his flashback.
The mission completes after the flashbacks. You will earn 3,000 XP for this mission.
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