Blogging is a long-term hobby for some and a full-time profession for others. It’s normal to lose the motivation to blog if you don’t see much traffic or income from your blog. If your blog is just a diary, then it may not be that bad for you guys.
Personally, I blog full-time as a profession and it’s easy to get demotivated sometimes.
Here are some ways that I use to maintain my motivation to blog.
1. Read realistic success stories
Why the word “realistic”? There are lots of success stories among bloggers but some are much more successful than the rest.
Look at Darren Rowse, Michelle, Neil Patel and Pat Flynn. They probably make at least six digits a month and they are rare. Majority of us don’t even earn 5 digits blogging. You may get demotivated if you see someone earning $100,000 a month and you’ll still at $100 after a year.
Hence, when you look at success stories, look at one that you can relate to. Maybe you guys won’t agree with me but I rather look at the average blogger and set my goals. It’s more realistic that way.
Similarly when you look at startups. Most startups fail and a few turn into billion dollar businesses. We can’t all be billionaires so it’s good to be realistic sometimes, although we should always aim high.
2. Do non-blogging things
If you blog every single day like I do, you’ll probably get burned out easily. I do feel demotivated or burned out sometimes but I still keep my consistency of 3 articles a week.
One good way of feeling fresh whenever you blog is to do other things in life. Play a game, watch a movie or have a nice fancy buffet.
They’ll keep you energized and you may even be inspired to write an awesome article! In life, moderation is the best. Anything extreme normally leads to adverse side effects.
3. Remember why you wanted to blog in the first place
Some of us blog because we love to write and share things with others. Some bloggers want to make a living out of it and escape the 9 – 5 office life.
Always remember why you started a blog. Was it because it’s a hobby?
Whenever you feel demotivated, remember why you started and look at the progress you’ve made!
I’m pretty sure your blog had a crappy design and lower quality articles when you first started. Look at where you are now. Look at the reader base you’ve built on your blog.
Don’t give up!
4. Network with other bloggers
If you’re blogging on WordPress like I am, it can be a little lonely especially if you have no comments coming in.
To overcome the loneliness, network with other bloggers on Facebook, forums and so on. Even Reddit has a huge subreddit – r/blogging.
You’re never alone in this. Lots of other bloggers struggle as well and it’s normal to struggle in the beginning.
Keep pushing on and don’t stop trying because who knows, you may be one step closer to success.
You can also join blogging conferences and meet up with other bloggers. Networking may actually help you to succeed.
5. Do your best but expect the least
This is probably the biggest problem bloggers face in staying motivated.
Expectations. It’s said to be the root of all evil. Perhaps it’s true.
Hence, always keep your expectations to the minimum and you won’t be disheartened. It’s definitely easier said than done.
Think about it this way. If you’re struggling, there are always others worse than you. You are never alone! Therefore, don’t be demotivated and keep blogging!
In a nutshell
Losing your motivation to blog is a common thing among all bloggers, even myself.
Perhaps you feel that traffic is terrible or you’re not making any income at all.
Accept it. Try to be better each time. Learn from other bloggers. Why are they successful when you’re not?
Keep improving on your blogging skills and you’ll make it one day.
Thanks for reading! I hope this gives you motivation to blog!