Laguna Perfuma is an optional island in Dragon Quest Builders 2 that lets you gain more materials.
Like Iridescent and Blossom Bay, this island has no story but you can earn infinite supplies of certain materials.
Here’s a walkthrough and guide on Laguna Perfuma in DQ Builders 2.
To unlock this island, you need to pay 1,000 gratitude points to Captain Brownbeard.
What to do in Laguna Perfuma
As always, the main aim is to finish the two checklists. Completing them will grant you an infinite supply of marble and earth. Marble is useful for crafting castle blocks.
To tick an item off the checklist, just find the item in the island and press “check”.
You will find quite a number of ingredients at this part.
The classical column has 3 parts you need to check. You can build blocks to stand higher.
There are also many items on the tree with pink flowers on it.
You will also find a group of items to check at these small individual platforms in the water (image below).
If you’re looking for the pink and black dyes, they’re both found on these small platforms.
Some will have pink dye, and the others may have black dye.
Once you’ve completed the checklist, you will be notified that you’ll get an infinite supply as shown below.
Apart from just finding stuff, you can recruit a villager back to your Isle of Awakening.
Just look for the Builderdom’s Best area.
You can also fight super-strong monsters like this dragon.
Defeating this dragon gave me two zapphires. Zapphires are useful for crafting magic traps.
Apart from recruiting a person, you can also find animals here. In Laguna Perfuma, you will find sheep.
There are a couple of them roaming around. As usual, just tip-toe and sneak behind them. Press ‘stroke’ when near to make friends.
Some of the less obvious items
In every island, there are always items that are harder to find.
One of them is this rock which is hidden in the waterfall.
Another would be this bush. The “check” prompt didn’t appear until I got rid of some of the wood and other bushes.
It’s at the highest point of this tree structure.
The plants that give beans may also be less obvious, but you will definitely find it lying around if you roam the whole island.
Once you’ve completed the other checklist, you’ll get an infinite supply of an item as well.
For this checklist, you will get an infinite amount of earth.
And that’s Laguna Perfuma in DQ Builders 2.
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