Kenly Library is one of the expeditions you can attempt in Tom Clancy’s The Division 2.
Each expedition has at least three different tasks and it’s only available in the Public Test Server at the moment.
Here’s a walkthrough of Kenly Library (Improvised Explosive Device) in Division 2.
To begin the mission, investigate it when the Echo is activated.
Get to Octagon
After starting the mission, head to Octagon.
Once you’re there, secure the area by killing the hostiles.
Investigate IED triggering system
Next, investigate the IED triggering system. Interact with the device.
Locate valves to restore water pressure
Not long after, there’ll be some explosion and you need to get rid of the fire. Look for valves to restore the water pressure.
At the same time, you need to kill the hostiles that are coming in.
The valve should look like this (image below).
Secure the area
After turning on the valves, secure the area by eliminating the remaining enemies.
Analyze IED remains
Next, look for the IED remains (image below). Interact with it.
Return to Echo
Once you’re done, get back to the Echo and reactivate it when your teammates are in the room.
The mission completes here if you’ve done the other two as well.
Related articles:
Kenly Metro Station (Deployed IED’s) – Division 2 Expedition
Division 2 – Kenly Metro Station (Large Chemical Tank)
Kenly Library Expedition (Secure Radio Handset) – Division 2 Wiki
Kenly Library Expedition (Outcast Server Equipment) – Division 2 Wiki
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