Ishamuhale is the fiercest raptor in the Barrens and is the name of the quest in World of Warcraft (WoW) Classic.
Your task is to slay Ishamuhale and bring back the fang to Jorn Skyseer in Camp Taurajo.
Here’s a walkthrough of Ishamuhale in Classic WoW.
To unlock the quest, talk to Jorn Skyseer in Camp Taurajo. It’s the camp south of Crossroads.
Get fresh Zhevra carcass
Before you can summon Ishamuhale, you need to kill Zhevras to get the fresh Zhevra carcass.
You can find Zhevras almost anywhere in the Barrens. There are even some close to the dead tree (where Ishamuhale spawns).
Ishamuhale’s location
You can find Ishamuhale to the east of Crossroads, or northwest of Ratchet.
The exact location is shown in the map below, marked by the player location.
You need to look for a big dead tree (basically a tree with dead-ish leaves).
How to spawn Ishamuhale
As mentioned above, you need the Zhevra carcass first. The carcass lasts for only 30 minutes.
Right click the item to spawn the raptor.
Slay the raptor and bring back its fang to Jorn Skyseer.
You will get experience points as reward.
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