He’s Feeding The Freaks is a Marauder Camp Hunter mission in Days Gone.
Your task is to clear the new Ripper camp that is close to Wizard Island.
Here’s a walkthrough of He’s Feeding The Freaks in Days Gone.
Locate the Ripper camp
To find the Ripper camp, go south of Wizard Island, as shown in the map below.
When you get there, you’ll notice two snipers up on the hill. Park your bike somewhere and take cover first.
Clear the Ripper camp
There are 12 Rippers in total that you have to kill. Take out the two snipers first.
You should use a sniper rifle to easily kill them.
Once they’re dead, kill the remaining 10 Rippers, all inside the camp.
The mission completes after you’ve taken out all of them. You will earn 5,000 XP for this mission.
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