Forza Horizon 4 features bonus boards scattered all around this huge map and it’s hard to find all of them.
The best way to get the location is to perhaps buy the treasure map as it unlocks all of the locations of influence boards, fast travel boards and even barn finds (when it’s available).
If you’re not fond of spending more money in the game, fret not. I’ve personally bought the treasure map.
Location of influence boards and fast travel boards
As the map is too huge and I couldn’t zoom out enough, it’s divided into several screenshots. Hopefully this is helpful for you.
For those who do not know, influence boards give you influence points when you destroy it with the car and fast travel boards reduce the fees you pay for fast travels.
The more fast travel boards you destroy, the cheaper it becomes to perform fast travel.
And while you’re here, check out how fast this Koenigsegg Agera RS goes.
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