Dauntless is a monster hunting game that is a little similar to Monster Hunter World.
It’s definitely much simpler than the latter, and it comes with Fortnite-like graphics (released by Epic Games).
In this game, crafting is vital in ensuring you can take on strong monsters.
Here’s how you can get neutral orbs for crafting in Dauntless.
What are neutral orbs for?
In Dauntless, you have different elements for each equipment and weapon. Neutral is like a normal element where it has no strength nor weakness.
Neutral orbs are required to upgrade neutral equipment and weapons (including pistols).
After crafting a neutral weapon like this Raging Blade above, you can upgrade it by using in-game coins and neutral orbs.
How to farm neutral orbs
You’ll get a couple of neutral orbs early on in the game when you complete quests. They are, however, limited.
The best way at the moment is to do Patrols. If you look at the hunting board, you’ll see both Patrols and Pursuits.
Do the Neutral Patrol to get 10 neutral orbs upon completion. You only have to face one random behemoth.
If you still have the daily patrol bonus, you’ll get an additional 10 orbs upon completion.
And that’s pretty much it on how to get neutral orbs in Dauntless.
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