Chasing Leon is a story mission in Bend Studios’ Days Gone.
There are several smaller missions under this particular story mission.
Here’s a walkthrough on the missions under Chasing Leon in Days Gone.
He Can’t Be Far
The first mission is quite simple. You simply have to chase after Leon on your motorcycle.
Follow Boozer and ride with him to go after Leon.
Keep going until Boozer stops.
We’ll Make It Quick
The next mission is “We’ll Make It Quick”. After stopping your bike, Leon appears and shoot at you guys.
He then leaves on foot. You have to track him on foot. Use R3 to activate some sort of vision where you can see his tracks.
It’s similar to Red Dead Redemption 2’s feature.
Keep going and find clues on the ground.
After checking for clues, continue following Boozer.
Walk over the fallen tree and go further. You’ll see a horde of freakers at the bottom.
A cutscene will load where Leon is brought down.
After getting the stash map from Leon, Deacon kills him.
Return to bikes
Now, get back to the bikes. You don’t have to deal with freakers here.
Craft bandage
Before going back, find two materials to craft a bandage. You can find them on the ground like this one below.
After getting the materials, open the inventory wheel and go to bandage. Press R1 to craft it.
You can use the bandage by holding the left key or by using it on the inventory wheel.
Now, get back to the bikes.
I Say We Head North
In the next mission, you just have to follow Boozer on the back of his bike, as your own bike got damaged.
At one point, a vehicle is blocking the road. You need to push it away.
As expected, you’ll get ambushed by marauders. Kill all of them using melee alone.
After eliminating the ambushers, sit on the bike again and this mission is complete.
This article will be updated later.
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