The Contender is a quest in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey that continues from Delivering A Champion.
Your role is to defeat some of the opponents in the Olympics.
Here’s a brief walkthrough of the quest The Contender in AC Odyssey.
This quest is recommended for level 35, but it may differ according to your character’s level.
To begin the quest, talk to the Pankration organizer. Pankration is the name of the event where you have to spar with another person using your fists.
You can find the Pankration organizer at the exact location shown in the map above.
Talk to him to begin the fight.
You will face two guys of the same level. They are both pretty weak.
If you use the overpower skill, you can finish him off in one blow.
Once the first guy is done, another will come out and you have to defeat him too. Once again, he’s a walk in the park.
After the two rounds, you will learn that Kallias is one of the cultists of Kosmos.
During the cutscene, you will also find out that Alkibiades may have been poisoned by a drink.
The quest completes here and you will get a new quest where you have to find the antidote for Alkibiades.
You can get rid of Kallias at any time since he’s a cult member.
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