Again, Malaka?! is a side quest in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey’s DLC “Legacy of the First Blade”.
Your task is to retrieve treasure hidden in four different locations in Makedonia.
Here’s a walkthrough of Again, Malaka in AC Odyssey.
This quest is recommended for those level 53 and above, but it changes according to your own level.
To begin the quest, you need to find a note. The location of the note is shown in the map below, marked as the orange symbol.
Interact with it to begin.
Find and acquire four different treasures
This time, you need to get to four different areas for the treasure. You can find all of the treasure locations shown in the map below.
The first two treasures are on mini islands.
You should find a small boat there. You can use it to get to the first area, or just swim.
This island has about three soldiers. You can kill them or leave them be.
On the next mini island, the treasure is hidden inside the bushes.
For the third island, you will find at least two bears. Kill both of the bears.
The treasure is hidden beside a tree trunk.
On the last island, you may also find animals. I think it was roosters if not mistaken.
Get rid of them. The treasure is in the bush, near the water.
After you’ve found all four treasures, the quest completes.
In addition to all of the loots, you should also get a Hammer of Hemorrhaging, a pair of Gracer’s Gauntlets, some drachmae and chicken eggs.
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