Ajax on Fire is a support quest for A Town In Need, Indeed in AC Odyssey.
Your task is to look for a warrior known as Ajax in Phokis to get his help.
Here’s a walkthrough of Ajax on Fire in AC Odyssey.
This quest is recommended for level 58 and above, but it changes according to your level.
Find and talk to Ajax
Your first task is to find Ajax and talk to him. His exact location is shown in the map below, at the border of Phokis and Lokris.
You will see a small house on top of the cliff.
Talk to this man beside the fire pit.
During the cutscene, it is found that he’s actually an imposter. He, however, believes he is the real Ajax and is immortal due to his helmet.
Escort Ajax to Alponos
Bring Ajax back to Alponos town. On the way, you’ll meet some threats including this animal.
You will also meet some soldiers to fight. Protect Ajax and kill the soldiers.
After eliminating the threat, Ajax will grab the soldier’s horse. Follow him to town.
Talk to Ajax
He will stop in town. Talk to him.
During the conversation, I refused to set him on fire just to prove he can’t die. Either way should be fine, since he’ll die anyway.
Kill Ajax
If you had chosen the same option as I did, you need to kill him in combat.
He’s pretty weak.
The quest completes here.
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