A War We Can Win is a story mission in Days Gone preceding from A Target On Their Backs.
Your task is to follow the Colonel Garret as he takes you around camp to meet people.
Here’s a walkthrough of A War We Can Win in Days Gone.
Walk with Colonel Garret
After beginning the mission, walk with the colonel around the main camp. He will introduce some key members to you.
Follow him into a cave.
Inside, he’ll give you a new cap to wear, to symbolize that you’re part of the group now.
After coming out, continue walking with him.
He will introduce you to the guy who’s involved with chemistry, especially napalm, that would be useful for hordes.
Next, he’ll bring you to another tent. Inside, you’ll find that Sarah has been alive all along and she’s one of the important members in this community.
Just watch the cutscene.
The mission completes here. You’ll get 10,000 XP in total for the series of missions you’ve done since you left Iron Mike’s camp.
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