A Small Grave Matter is a side quest in Obsidian’s The Outer Worlds.
Your task is to help collect debts from four different people in Edgewater.
Here’s a walkthrough of A Small Grave Matter in The Outer Worlds.
To begin the mission, speak to Silas who is on the bridge leading towards Edgewater’s main entrance.
Location of all debtors
The location of debtors are shown below. Three of them are inside Edgewater.
One of them is outside at the freight area, as shown in the map below. It’s the green objective symbol southeast of Edgewater.
Conrad Sadik
The first debtor is Conrad Sadik who works at the Barber Shop.
Speak to him and he’ll tell you that he does not have money to pay up.
Next, you need to speak to Silas about this issue. Silas recommends extorting him.
Go back to Conrad at the Barber Shop. Head towards the backroom and you’ll find a document here. Examine the document to dig up some dirt.
Speak to Conrad again. Persuade him that you know about Eugene who died.
He will give you the details to the gravesite to allow you to dig Eugene’s body out (in return for the debt). Eugene had gold teeth that was worth a lot.
Martin Abernathy
Next, look for Martin who is in the building shown below.
Talk to him and ask him to pay up. Tell him that you know about his secret.
He has a new side quest if you ask the right questions.
The third one is a lady named Phyllis. She is located on the 1st floor of Saltuna Cannery (same building where Tobson is).
Talk to her and she’ll immediately pay.
Ludwig Miller
Lastly, go to Ludwig Miller who is in the freight area.
Speak to him to collect his fees. He’ll pay up and you can get a new side quest from him.
Return to Silas
After collecting the debts, go back to Silas.
The side quest completes here.
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