A Goddamn War Zone is a bounty mission in Bend Studio’s Days Gone.
Your task is to find a bounty for Rikki and kill him for what he did.
Here’s a walkthrough of A Goddamn War Zone in Days Gone.
Get to Pioneer Camp
The bounty, Red Riley, can be found at Pioneer Camp. The location is shown in the map below. It’s west of Lost Lake.
Track Red Riley
Once you’re at the entrance, leave your bike and go in quietly.
There’s a blueish green spot in your radar. Use your survival vision to look for clues.
Interact with the cigarette on the table.
You’ll meet marauders and freakers all around the camp. They’re killing each other.
The next clue is at the bench near the fire.
Continue stealth killing the freakers and marauders. Go ahead following the footsteps, and you’ll find more men.
Take them out. There’ll be another clue in front of a building.
Keep going and you’ll reach another building (toilet). There are marauders around the area and they’ll be shooting some freakers.
Clear the area and enter the building (image below).
The clue is in the toilet.
After searching the clue, you’ll see footsteps leading to the big building. You can enter through the main door.
Open the door and kill a couple of marauders inside the building.
The next clue is on the cabinet (image below).
Search cabins for Red Riley
Next, you’ll have to go out of the building and search the cabins.
You’ll encounter more gunmen outside.
The cabin is just near the big building. This cabin has a porch, some gunmen outside and the door is shown below.
You’ll know it’s the right cabin because you will hear him talking.
Kill Red Riley
After opening the door, you should see him inside. Kill him and the other gunman inside.
Grab the proof of death from his body.
Return to Rikki
After obtaining the proof, go back to Rikki.
The mission completes here and you’ll get 5,000 XP.
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